Saturday, 19 October 2019

Workshop on Impact of Punishment

Discipline and consequently punishment are hotly debated topics for most parents. Do you lean on the side of permisive parenting or should you be a strict disciplinarian? The answer perhaps lies between the two opposite poles and is supported by latest research in neuroscience.

Parenting Matters,  an organisation which works with parents, conducted a talk for parents on Discipline and Punishment at Al Qamar Academy today.

The speaker, Sujata Dewaji, a certified Parent Educator from Echo Parenting, Los Angeles, began by talking about what all constitutes punishment - and delved into some of the reasons why parents punish their children. She shared some common justifications parents offer in support of their stance. "However", she said, "brain research shows how punishment activates the 'Fight,Flight, Freeze' response in children. They actually stop processing any message we are giving them, however pertinent or relevant.

The better way is Positive Parenting, which acknowledges the child's feelings, doesn't make judgements and helps to actually modify behaviour.  She showed a video with examples of both styles and invited the parents to comment.

The Question Time had queries on parenting teens, resolving sibling issues and the universality of this approach.

"Helped me put my faith back in positive reinforcement.. Wonderful reminder how much as a parent we need to change before trying to change our kids .." was one parent's feedback.

Parenting Matters conducts various workshops for parents and educators.  They may be contacted at

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