Saturday, 21 October 2017

Annual Sports Day 2017-18

The Annual Sports Day was celebrated on October 20th 2017 at the Quaide Milleth College Sports Grounds.

Montessori had fun races which integrated skills picked up in their Montessori environments - threading beads, sorting colour sticks etc besides running races.

Older students had exciting relays, obstacle races and 100m races.  

Throwball, Cricket  and Tug of War matches had been played earlier.

The highlight of the day were the Moms' races and Dads' races.

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Global Math Week celebrated

Students at Al Qamar Academy were among the 1 million students from across the globe to participate in the Global Math Week. (

To start with Rafia Riaz , the maths teacher showed the exploding dots 1-2 machine video to the 4-7th grade children. They were fascinated. And started exploring with their own numbers.

On another day, Rafia took them further with the 1-3 machine. The children then proceeded to experiment with the 1-4, 1-5, 1-6 machines on their own with their friends. At the 1-10, they realised that its the system we use.

Children continued the thinking at home. One parent reports that guests to their home are greeted with an explanation of the 1-2 machine!

The neat thing - children who were previously not interested in Math, showed a burst of enthusiasm. Can we ask for more?

Au Revoir

  Au Revoir  The crucible moment came for me when, 16 years ago, I pulled my 7 year old son from school. Once again. Thrice in four years. W...